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  • Price: $7.20  $8.00

Book Type: S

By Sven Hassel. Burning, looting, raping, murdering, Hitler's Penal Regiment advanced on the centre of Warsaw leaving in their wake a bloody trail of death and destruction. They killed indiscriminately: Pole or German, man, woman or child - anyone who crossed their path was eliminated. For Himmler had sworn that Warsaw would be razed to the ground - if it took every member of the German army to do it! And tot the Fuhrer's expendable battalions, for whom life had no meaning, the battle for Warsaw became an inferno - an endless Reign of Hell... One of the most graphic and entertaining WWII fictional writers, Hassel served in a penal unit with a cast of colorful characters to say the least. Based on his true experiences in WWII, Hassel's unit saw most of the action on the Eastern Front, but also served on other theaters. The humor is often dark, crude, and absolutely hilarious, but never have I read battles described any better, than Hassel. He captures the fierce reality of battle in the most graphic detail. Worldwide his books have sold 52 million copies. All books are paperback. About the Author Born in 1917 in Fredensborg, Denmark, Sven Hassel joined the merchant navy at the age of 14. He did his compulsory year's military service in the Danish forces in 1936 and then, facing unemployment, joined the German army. He served throughout World War II on all fronts except North Africa. Wounded eight times, he ended the war in a Russian prison camp. He wrote Legion of the Damned while being transferred between American, British and Danish prisons before making a new life for himself in Spain.


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