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Tankograd 5069 Panzer Task Force "Storm on the Heath 2017" - German Panzer-Formations train for VJTF (Land)

  • Price: $27.50

Book Type: S,O,

by Daniel Nowak & Ralph Zwilling,

With Exercise Heidesturm 2017 (Storm on the Heath 2017), which was the main exercise of the 9th Armour Demonstration Brigade of the German Bundeswehr, a very important step towards the future mission as the core of the NATO Very High Readiness Joint Task Force has been taken. This publication grants a detailed view on the vehicles and capabilities of a modern German armoured formation in fascinating and action-packed photographs.

 Quantity Photos and Illustrations:  Illustrated with 90 colour photographs and 12 graphics
Text - Language:  English Text
Number of Pages:  64

Tankograd 5069 Panzer Task Force

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