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Tankograd 7021 JGSDF Vehicles of the Modern Japanese Army

  • Price: $28.99

Book Type: S, O

All around the globe Japan is well known as one of the major industrial nations. One of the core industries of Japan today is car production. When compared with Japanese commercial cars, Japan Ground Self-Defense Force (JGSDF) military vehicles are not so well known. One reason is that the Japanese government prohibits the export of weapons, and another is that the JGSDF has been dispatched to foreign countries only for peacekeeping missions or to use firing ranges in the USA. Besides, most articles about the JGSDF only ever appear in Japanese-language publications. It is therefore hoped this book will deepen the reader's understanding about the JGSDF and its unique range of vehicles. Quantity Photos and Illustrations: Illustrated throughout with 138 color photographs and 8 graphics Text � Language: English text Number of Pages: 64

Tankograd 7021 JGSDF Vehicles of the Modern Japanese Army

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