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Tankograd 7030 Finland's Maavoimat Vehicles of the modern Finnish Army

  • Price: $28.99

Book Type: S,O

by Clemens Niesner

Among modern armies the motor pool of the Finnish Army (Maavoimat) is certainly the most eccentric. The vehicles denote from the Soviet Union / Russian Federation but also from Scandinavian and Western countries creating a fascinating mix of modern tactical vehicle designs. This publication shows the Finnish Army motor pool in phantastic exercise photos and concludes the Tankograd quadrilogy of the military vehicles in Scandinavian Armies’ services (Danske Haeren, Norge Haerens Styrker, Svenska Armen, Finland‘s Maavoimat).

 Quantity Photos and Illustrations:  Illustrated with 128 colour photographs and two graphics
Text - Language:  English Text
Number of Pages:  64

Tankograd 7030 Finland's Maavoimat Vehicles of the modern Finnish Army

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