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  • Price: $90.00

Book Type: C, O

By Tony Le Tissier Sixty years have elapsed since the cataclysmic demise of Adolf Hitler and his Third Reich. In this book Tony Le Tissier (author of Berlin Then and Now) traces the rise of Hitler, the Nazi Party and its ramifications, together with its deeds and accomplishments, during the twelve years that the Third Reich existed within today's boundaries of the Federal Republics of Germany and Austria. The homes — or sites of them — of the dramatis personnae; the Nazi legends of their martyrs; the sites of the former Third Reich shrines at the Obersalzberg; in Munich; Nuremberg; Bayreuth, and in Berlin; the Hitler Youth schools and the Party colleges; the 'euthanasia' killing centres; the concentration camps, and much much more. Tony then follows the progress of Hitler's war: from the attack on Poland on September 1, 1939 to defeat in Berlin and the final round-up at Flensburg in May 1945. A final chapter covers the de-Nazification of Germany, the whole volume being illustrated by 'then and now' comparison photographs which are the central theme of After the Battle. Over 1450 illustrations 480 pp.


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